Sweet nest of baby birdies!!

Curled up in the cozy nest..
In mom's lap, Oh! how we rest!!

Looking up at her with baby eyes..
Inside this cocoon, our world lies!!

We are all so different.. yellow.. n white..
But, together our den is a beautiful sight!!

Sawubona everyone!! I couldn't help but wish in Swazi because that's where my sweet little birdies came from...!!

We happened to visit a wax museum while in Swaziland during our Africa trip a couple of months ago. I couldn't help but pick these little cuties up from the store.

Though they are actually made of wax, I don't know why would anybody ever use them for lighting purpose!!

For the time being, they are all resting in a small nest created just for them.. waiting to be picked up and loved!!

Is it my new would-be-motherhood speaking from the poem inspired by the baby birdies?.. I have no idea.. either ways.. the babies are so adorable.. Don't you think!!!

My new love - Pottery!

My new Love - Pottery!

First of all.. I dont believe I did this again!!! Started something and left it half-way..or rather it was not even started properly.. :-(
but never mind.. I can sort my mistakes.. I guess!! (Well..yeah.. I'm talking about starting this blog.. and not writing anything for so many days!!)..
The reason (excuse!!) not to write any post is because .....(a a pause and drum roll!!!!).. I'm expecting!!
I'm in the fifth month now.. and a trip to Africa.. some very nauseating experiences when back home.. regular visits to gynac.. juggling with home and office (did I miss anything!!).. did not leave blogging anywhere on the list of things to do!

but now the things have settled down a bit..and I've even managed to do a few crafty things after a long time!

The latest crafty thing that I've recently taken to is pottery!!
I've joined a pottery class and learning some basic concepts about ceramic clay like kneading, slapping techniques, coiling, pinching etc.
I've created these two pieces in my last two sessions and they are still unbaked.
We'll be applying glaze, colouring it etc in the subsequent sessions but till then I just couldn't wait to share even these unfinished work's photos.

The first one is a handmade vase done using pinching and coiling methods.
The second one is a kind of a jewelry box done by rolling the clay and cutting it into geometric pieces that are stuck together using the clay paste.

I feel so good to have made these.. and hoping to create a lot more!!
I'll try and post more regularly from now on with all the new creations, updates on these pieces and so on.. till then keep getting inspired!!!
